Beep Band

A wearable electronics startup that I co-founded which helps prevent bullying in schools.

This was the first startup venture that I pursued.

Beep Band was a smart band that helped prevent bullying among students in school. The smart band had a single button which when pressed three times consecutively would alert all faculty members in the victim’s vicinity. The band also had a built-in microphone that would automatically record any verbal bullying that might be targeted towards the victim as soon as the button is pressed three times. The band also utilized RFID technology to create attendance and payment systems.

Prior to pivoting to the next venture, Outvite, a prototype of the band was created using an ESP 8266 and a LoRa RFM85 module. Additionally, the final product was designed in SolidWorks where it was tested for stress concentrations using FEA analysis. The injection molding process was also simulated in Moldex3D.

You can find the code here, the injection molding report that was supposed to be sent to manufacturers here, and the SolidWorks model here.