
A software startup that I co-founded which helps groups find (and agree on) something memorable to do together.

This was the second startup venture that I pursued. The first was Beep Band.

The first iteration of the idea, FeedForward, was an app that would ask the user questions throughout the day and deliver unique AI-driven recommendations for how the user should organize their time for greater self-satisfaction. However, after understanding the importance of creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and creating various iterations of the app idea, Outvite was created. While working on FeedForward, I presented and won Transcend UW’s Best Pitch Award in 2021.

Outvite was a software startup for groups of people find (and agree on) something memorable to do together. The ‘Tinder for activities’ allowed groups of friends to swipe on various activities until they had all agreed on a specific activity.

A web prototype of Outvite was created using React.js for frontend and Django for backend. The prototype is currently hosted on outvite.me, however it is no longer maintained and doesn’t function anymore (the WebSocket integration is broken).